

英漢字典: make good

1. do what one promises to do遵守諾言

    The government still has to make good many promises it made at the last election. 政府仍然必須兌現它在上次選舉中做的許多承諾。

    He made good his word and arrived at the conference in time despite many difficulties. 他遵守諾言,克服了困難,準時到會。

    Joe made good his boast to swim across the lake. 喬吹牛說要遊過湖去,他真的那麼做了。

2. pay for the loss賠償

    The insurance company will make good your loss. 保險公司將賠償你的損失。

3. succeed成功

    I am sure he will make good. 我相信他會成功的。

    The story is the traditional one of a local boy from a poor background who dreams of glory and eventually makes good. 這是一個傳統的故事,講的是當地的一位少年出生貧寒,渴望榮耀,最後終于如願以償。

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